What is Reputation-based protection?

A lot of time when we download and install an application on our computer, alongside it, multiple applications and extensions get installed on your computer automatically. With the help of Reputation-based protection’s Potential Unwanted App blocking, you can block the installation of these PUAs. There are other security features in Reputation-based protection settings, such as SmartScreen of Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Store Apps that make sure that you don’t end up visiting a phishing website and download malware or virus respectively. Reputation-based protection is one of the best ways to stop any virus from entering your computer.

How to turn ON or OFF Reputation-based protection

Turning ON or OFF the Reputation-based protection is very simple. You just need to follow the prescribed steps and you are good to go.

By enabling this setting, two options, Block apps and Block downloads, will be enabled automatically. You can even disable either of them but we won’t recommend you do that as it would defeat the purpose of this feature. Potential Unwanted Applications (PUP or PUA) is a threat classification based on reputation and research-driven identification. They are typically Crapware or Bundleware, and such software that you really do not want on your system. You should know that PUP or PUA is not a virus or ransomware, but they are marked as Unwanted because they can be annoying.