Windows Update needs more space

When you do not have enough space on your hard drive for the update, Windows will automatically ask you to connect an external drive. It will then extend the space on your hard drive temporarily while the update is in progress. Related error: Windows Update Not enough disk space.

Update Windows 11/10 using an External Storage

Interesting to note that his option is not available in the settings, but only shows up when you try to free up space when the Windows 10 Update sends you storage space notification. You can select either I want to use external storage instead of or I don’t have an external storage on the lower-left side of the window.

Step 1: Free up space

You should know one thing about Windows 10 Update.  It will always need a minimum free space on the primary storage. The external drive is to make sure the space used to download the update is moved. This tip helps when you need space to download the updates and have minimum space on your C drive for the update. You will see a wizard window pop-up when the storage is really low on space. So let’s clear some space first.

Step 2: Connect External Drive

Updating Windows using External Drive is a rare situation. Most of us have enough storage space on our PCs to take care of Windows 11/10 Update. However, when needed, the option will come in handy. Hope you find this tip useful!