Fix YouTube AutoPlay not working

Try the following solutions sequentially to fix the YouTube AutoPlay problem:

1] Turn ON YouTube AutoPlay

If YouTube AutoPlay is not working on your system, the most probable cause is that the feature is disabled by default. In this case, you can turn it ON. When you play any video, the switch for YouTube AutoPlay can be noticed among the options itself. Simply turn the switch ON. Even if you turn ON the switch for one video, the settings will apply to all videos across YouTube. YouTube AutoPlay can be turned ON in the following manner. Log in to your YouTube account. Open any YouTube video of your choice. Turn the switch ON for AutoPlay. Now, AutoPlay will be ON for any video played through the same account across any browser or device.

2] Check your internet speed

If YouTube AutoPlay is active, then all the videos across the tabs will start playing by themselves. This will require a lot of internet bandwidth. If YouTube detects that the internet speed is not sufficient for this feature, then it will block YouTube AutoPlay at once. You can test your current internet speed using free third-party internet speed test applications. If the internet speed is too slow for the AutoPlay feature, perhaps you are using mobile internet. Connecting to the wireless internet could be helpful. In case the wireless internet is slow too, you could consider increasing its bandwidth.

3] Clear cache and cookies of the browser

The cache and cookie files associated with your browser could be corrupt. These files are the ones that manage YouTube, then problems like the one in the description will occur. Clearing the cache and cookies will be very helpful in solving the problem. When you start visiting websites (including YouTube) again, the cache and cookies will be rebuilt.

4] Update the browser to the latest version

If the browser is obsolete, then YouTube AutoPlay could be blocked since it might not recognize the new script. In this case, updating your browser to the latest version could be helpful in solving the problem. Remember to restart your computer after updating your browser. If doing this doesn’t solve the problem, please proceed to the next solution.

5] Isolate the case with problematic browser extensions

Browser extensions can control many features of a browser including the option for YouTube AutoPlay. It could be possible that YouTube AutoPlay is not working because an extension associated with your browser is preventing it from working. In this case, you can try disabling the browser extensions one by one to check for the problematic one.

6] Remove some videos from a large playlist

When a YouTube playlist is large, the AutoPlay feature will be blocked. The reason is that otherwise, the videos will keep running for a very long time without disruption. If you wish to use the AutoPlay feature for your playlist, please delete a few videos from the playlist and try again. Also, you can choose to create a different playlist with selective videos. Hope it helps!